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Giacomo Balli
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8 Qualities of top modern CEO / Entrepreneur / Founder

Startups are popping up everywhere, the average company size has been going down and certainly without lowering the quality standard. Be the best.Modern leaders of companies have to be extremely well rounded individuals. You can no longer get away with not knowing things. You have to know a little bit of everything to be "average", know a little bit about everything and a lot about many things to be in the top tiers.
When it comes down to listing the main areas of expertises needed, intended as personality traits, there are 9 that stand out. Think big
The world has been speeding up constantly. Now it takes nothing to become huge and you have to be ready. Don't be constrained by current resources, things change (especially with some pushing). Communicate
A top notch leader knows how to communicate effectively by balancing pragmatic information and triggering statements. they'll persuade you without you even realizing. Simplify
There is a saying that states that if you know something well enough you have no issues simplifying it to the core. Top entrepreneurs do this everyday and if they can't they fake ite really well. Prioritize
Things move fast. If you don't know what come first you'll get flooded. Keep the picture in mind while putting out the small fires is key. High profile founders know how to delegate so they can focus on what is really important. Gut & Ruler
As my friend Rand from SEOmoz says, you can't improve what you can't measure. You need put stuff out, measure anything you can and then analytically tweak in order to enhance the situation. Inevitably you'll be faced with doubts that don't have an objective answer there for you need to follow your gut feeling and then get back on the measure&fix cycle to make sure it was the right decision. Execute
Those who are in charge are not afraid of doing. This is key. You can't waste time thinking too much of our next move. You have act and be confident. There are things that need to get done so don't be cheap if you aim at high profile targets. Know Tech & Design
Today's CEOs need be competent in their industry. However, they do not need to be developers or amazing designers. The key to the right balance is knowing what is achievable and what looks good, not how to achieve it.
What do you think of the above points? Would love to have some feedback!

#entrepreneur, #startup
Published: Thu, Oct 11 2012 @ 16:50:23
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