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21 Tactics to Increase Blog Traffic by the amazing Rand Fishkin

I just came across (again) this amazing blog post by SEO authority Rand Fishkin (CEO of seoMoz) and figured it'd be worth sharing and making easy for other to find.
Rand always delivers awesome content; I met him at a recent Hackers/Founders meetup here in San Francisco and he's also a very down-to-earth guy. Respect! ;)

success requires work by Rand Fisdhkin seoMoz

Here's an excerpt:

#13 - Participate in Q+A Sites

Every day, thousands of people ask questions on the web. Popular services like Yahoo! Answers,Answers.comQuoraStackExchangeFormspring and more serve those hungry for information whose web searches couldn't track down the responses they needed.
The best strategy I've seen for engaging on Q+A sites isn't to answer every question that comes along, but rather, to strategically provide high value to a Q+A community by engaging in those places where:
  • The question quality is high, and responses thus far have been thin
  • The question receives high visibility (either by ranking well for search queries, being featured on the site or getting social traffic/referrals). Most of the Q+A sites will show some stats around the traffic of a question
  • The question is something you can answer in a way that provides remarkable value to anyone who's curious and drops by
I also find great value in answering a few questions in-depth by producing an actual blog post to tackle them, then linking back. This is also a way I personally find blog post topics - if people are interested in the answer on a Q+A site, chances are good that lots of folks would want to read it on my blog, too!
Just be authentic in your answer, particularly if you're linking. If you'd like to see some examples, I answer a lot of questions at Quora, frequently include relevant links, but am rarely accused of spamming or link dropping because it's clearly about providing relevant value, not just getting a link for SEO (links on most user-contributed sites are "nofollow" anyway, meaning they shouldn't pass search-engine value). There's a dangerous line to walk here, but if you do so with tact and candor, you can earn a great audience from your participation.
You can find the full post here.

Published: Sat, Nov 10 2012 @ 13:29:14
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