Do you really need a 12MP photo of a goat?
Last month my wife an I went for a weekend getaway to Napa. Great destination: plenty of outdoors activities and a short drive from San Francisco.
We had a great time but when I got back home and transferred all my pictures documenting the trip I noticed they were taking up a ton of disk space. I'm certainly not a photographer but I do enjoy snapping pics mostly for keepsake.
The original image was 3024 × 4032 (3.1MB) HEIC, this is converted to JPG and downsampled.
I also enjoy keeping everything tidy and in-place. Not only did I need to batch resize all images, I also wanted to preserve all image metadata and EXIF data (date, time, location, etc).
I was unable to find a tool to perform such a basic but crucial task so I set out to build it myself. After selecting the best tools and trimming down to the easiest and most efficient code, I came up with the following. I added comments to make it easy to read for anyone. It supports both JPG and HEIC images.
#!/bin/bash #set max width in pixels maxwidth=2000 #where are the photos? if [ $# -eq 0 ]; then imgFolder="untitled folder" else imgFolder=$1 fi cd "$imgFolder" pwd #create a temp folder to hold the resampled images if [ -d new ]; then rm -rf new fi mkdir new #find all JPG images in the specified folder fileCnt=$(ls *.[jJ][pP]*[Gg] | wc -l) cnt=0 echo "Will search for JPGs" find . -maxdepth 1 -iname '*.jp*g' | while read file do ((cnt++)) imgwidth=`sips --getProperty pixelWidth "$file" | awk '/pixelWidth/ {print $2}'` if [ $imgwidth -gt $maxwidth ]; then imgheight=`sips --getProperty pixelHeight "$file" | awk '/pixelHeight/ {print $2}'` #skip panorama photos if [ $((imgwidth / imgheight)) -lt 2 ]; then echo "$cnt/$fileCnt $file $imgwidth → $maxwidth" sips -Z $maxwidth "$file" --out new/"$file" > /dev/null 2>&1 touch -r "$file" new/"$file" fi fi done #find all HEIC images in the specified folder fileCnt=$(ls *.HEIC | wc -l) cnt=0 echo "Will search for HEICs" find . -maxdepth 1 -iname '*.heic' | while read file do ((cnt++)) imgwidth=`sips --getProperty pixelWidth "$file" | awk '/pixelWidth/ {print $2}'` if [ $imgwidth -gt $maxwidth ]; then imgheight=`sips --getProperty pixelHeight "$file" | awk '/pixelHeight/ {print $2}'` if [ $((imgwidth / imgheight)) -lt 2 ]; then echo "$cnt/$fileCnt $file $imgwidth → $maxwidth" sips -s format jpeg -Z $maxwidth "$file" --out new/"$file".jpg > /dev/null 2>&1 touch -r "$file" new/"$file".jpg rm "$file" fi fi done echo "" echo "Will replace originals..." echo "Done!" rsync -a new/ . rm -rf new
Save the script as, adjust your desired maximum width in pixels, then execute from Terminal like so: ./ photos (assuming photos is the name of the folder where you dumped all your iPhone images).
To dump all your iPhone images in a folder, I'd recommend Image Capture.
Published: Sat, Apr 10 2021 @ 18:58:10
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