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Tradedoubler iTunes affiliate link

tradedoubler-itunes-affiliateThis is a section of the main tutorial on iTunes affiliate links.
This is still following the old way of doing things and is more complicated to generate. The easiest way of creating a Tradedoubler iTunes affiliate link is to use the link builder provided by TradeDoubler and make the first one there. Once you have a sample Tradedoubler iTunes affiliate link, you can extrapolate your own parameters.
For example, mine is and then you add the clean URL we have from earlier so the final iTunes Affiliate link for European coutnries (TradeDoubler) is
The above is a fully working Tradedoubler iTunes affiliate link that will generate commission if somone clicks on it and makes  apurchase.
Unfortunately there is no tracking provided but you are free to build your own.
Getting all the parameters right from the URL might be quite tricky. If just one of them is off, the link will still redirect to the correct iTunes page but without attributing sales commission. For this reason, I'd advise, testing your links before including them in production.

Published: Sun, Sep 22 2013 @ 9:49:47
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