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Business and Congressual Tourism in the Area of Florence (Dec 2003)

The new millennium sees the tourism industry become more and more a main business of the general economy. The tourist industry, in fact, with its activity has the tendency to valorize not only the human resources, but also the environmental, cultural, and commercial ones.
The tourist industry in Italy involves around two million workers reaching 6% of the gross inside product.
The first signs of this may be noticed in the medieval times, when the Christians began their trips toward Rome in search of indulgences that only the pope could grant.
The first true form of tourism has anyway started in the renaissance period, when a new cultural impulse emerged, that pushed the people to travel, to know new cultures to admire new forms of art. It is in this period that the phenomenon of the Grand Tour expands itself. It becomes the first true form of tourism, in fact, the Grand Tour was a cultural trip that the young noble English undertook at the end of their education, to enrich the young and to remove the prejudices and to forge its external chances, in short it allowed a person to become a perfect gentleman.
Now, trying to give a definition of tourism, we can affirm, “the tourist is a temporary visitor that sojourns at least 24 hours in a different place from that of origin.”
Such definition doesn't differ much from the official one given by the OMT. (Organization Mondiale of the Tourism) for which: “Tourist is a temporary visitor that sojourns at least 24 hours in the place that visits to put aside from the principal motive that moves him (relax, study, health of the body and the spirit, business)
From this definition we can distinguish then the tourist in a proper sense, in other words he who moves himself for recreation or for cultural motives; from the tourist in improper sense, and in other words he who also move him for different motives without resulting in having to sleep there, and in this case it is difficult to distinguish the recreational aspect from that of job. To this category the tourism of business that is what interests in our analysis also belongs.
  Business Tourism
The tourism of business includes various types of activity united by an only element: the motivation. In fact, the tourist business it is he who it moves him from the place of origin to practice its own professional activity; among which the demonstrations share fair or expositive, congresses lectures, etc.
Particularly the congressual tourism concerns various typologies of reunions, that ICCA (International Congress and Convention Association) classification in five categories:
Meetings of incentive, finalized to the motivation of the subjects, and to the throwing of products, that you/they have for objective information diffusion on the new product e/o I develop her/it same.
Reunions to the fairs that the presentation of new scientific or technological developments is established in the sector of the principal demonstration. These reunions have a double corrected effect: from a side, they attract more visitors in fair; from the other one they prolong their stay.  
We now pass to a brief analysis of the most common typologies of reunion. According to a scheme elaborated by G.C. Fighiera are individualized three principal types of reunions: deliberative, not deliberative, and atypical.
  Deliberative to-reunions
  Lecture. We can define her/it as a reunion to the maximum levels, with the purpose to study and to clarify a problem of public interest, of search of solutions, to elaborate accords, declarations or treated. This type of reunions usually concludes him with conventions or with the institution of a government organization.
Often the term lecture is used as synonym of conference, in other words a reunion having for theme a particularly actual subject that can allow a very ample share of public. Congress. The first type of congress contains the statutory reunions of delegates elected by the organs of base of a non-government association with the purpose to approve the management of the association, the provisional budget and the programs. General meeting. Also this is a statutory reunion of an associative organism and you/he/she can be ordinary or extraordinary. In this type of reunions it is generally decided on matters regarding the administrative life, organizational, and politics of the same organism.
  Non Deliberative Reunions
Unlike the preceding ones, the belonging reunions to this category have advisory functions, informative, or of formation. Congress. On the base of the classification operated by Figheira the congresses they are classified both among the deliberative reunions and among those not deliberative. We can define then the congress as a reunion largely open to all the members, place intended to be a place where to discuss, to examine and to study a matter of common interest.
P. Innocenti (op. cit.pag.2) it individualizes four characteristic principals of the congress: the participants belong to competent associations, the conclusions must be publicize, the relative organization exists only for the duration of the jobs, and the congress finally has to introduce an annual lilt or over more years. Committee. We can define him/it as a formal reunion of a group of people elected by a directive organ with the purpose to examine a problem and to submit him/it to the organ that has named him/it (congress, meeting, board of directors). This type of reunion has a limited order in the time. Committee. It is an organ of management or control formed by a narrow number of people named by a directive organ, with the purpose to treat a part of the agenda of a deliberative reunion reporting then the conclusions in the plenary meeting. The errand unlike the preceding one it is countersigned for its permanence in the time. Conference. It is a type of reunion used by public corporations or private, associations of category to transmit a message or to open a debate on a studied matter and elaborate in precedence from the promoting corporate body. The conference doesn't introduce the character of the periodicity or the continuity. Convention. We can define her/it as a meeting in which information are furnished on a date situation to arouse the consent from the participants, to strengthen the public image or to increase the feeling of solidarity of the members. Meeting. It is a reunion meeting usually to annual lilt and in Italy you/he/she is used in sporting and business circle. Seminar. It is a non-formal reunion to didactic character. The participants wander in average around the 50 members, and during the meeting, they exchange the experiences through lessons and discussions on a matter of common interest. Workshop. It deals with a particular type of seminar in which you/they professionally prevail the updating and the debate and the training coordinated by the figure of the trainer that is always present in every case. You/he/she is used nevertheless also to point out the meeting among a narrow number of experts to discuss of a controversial technical theme. Interview. It is a semiprofessional meeting among experts respects various disciplines, to analyze a theme from different points of view.
The middle duration of these meetings is of two days. Symposium. It is a reunion, in which a narrow number of people are invited for elaborating addresses of search or common recommendations on the treated theme. You distinguish it from the interview for its focusing on an only discipline. Round table. In this type of reunion, a closed number of people they freely discuss without moderator on a matter of common interest. The name derives from the circular table to which you/they sit the members participants to underline their equality.
Forum. It is a very informal public reunion without agenda that offers the possibility to freely express him on a matter of general interest to the public. Working group. And' a reunion with a small number of participants, elected by a superior organ to study in detail a particular problem. The results of the jobs are contained in the notices and in the recommendations. Panel. Public formal reunion that it usually makes part of a congress or other demonstration. A group of experts of different disciplines is constituted that answer to the questions of the public within their own competence.
  Atypical Reunions
  Briefing. It usually happens to the beginning of a reunion of job during which a person responsible illustrates the objectives to reach, the usable means and the alternative solutions. Reunions of enterprise. It deals with an informal reunion of the employees and the managing pictures of the same service, detached near the same center or in the different centers (in this case the reunion can be on regional staircase, national, world).
Generally it is the direction that summons this type of reunions to discuss of inside problems to the society that can concern the organization, the production, the sale, comparing the results passed with those actual to study new strategies.
Is the reunions of enterprise, is the conventions and the seminars they are often organized by the greatest enterprises. These are very often organized for the throwing of new products.
The reunions of enterprise can be to them it turns you classify in: Internal, when, the participants, all of the same society, have as objective the information, the reflection and the formation. External, where clients or suppliers are also involved for promotional motives.
The share to this type of reunions is at the base of the motivations of the tourist of business
Another branch of the tourism of business concerns the trips of incentive.
For first thing it needs to specify the difference between incentive and trips of incentive. While the incentive is a particular technique of communication, at the end of which there can be also the trip but not necessarily; the trip of incentive therefore it is the tool to reach a determined purpose.
These trips have some particular characteristics, since they are offered by the firm to its own employees with the purpose to promote the collaboration between the executives and the employees and the socialization among the employees themselves or you are given as a reward for the production, in every case the principal objective of these trips is to stimulate the recipient to the improvement of its own performances.
For this motive the trips of incentive have to be considered as a unique event, different from the trips that commonly they are found on the catalog, and they have to be custom servants for the firm.
The tourist therefore will lodge in the luxury hotels, he will eat in the best restaurants, for him particular evenings will be organized, and gadgets will be offered to everybody, but always remembering him that everything this is offered him by its firm.
We can distinguish two types of trips:
  Trips of group Individual trips
The trips incentive of group is often used by the firm in the periods in which the sales decrease, to improve the spirit of group, and of fidelity towards the firm (objective qualitative), or to push the participants to reach an increase of billing (quantitative objective)
The individual trips are normally used for rewarding quantitative objectives. This type of incentive allows rewarding the participant in proportion to its result, and besides it has the advantage to make the employees be absent in turn and not all in the same moment.
We can affirm then that these trips are very appreciated by the participants since they are seen how an occasion of relaxation and fun; I am a source of cultural enrichment; they allow an information interchange among colleagues, but above all they allow a direct relationship with the managing class.
In the last years this strategy of marketing is applied by a lot of firms and therefore the agencies of trip and the tours operator has opened some departments to follow with a lot of professionalism this sector, even if the incentives house (specialized agencies), they are the only ones in degree of interface in complete way with the client. After a careful problem analyses with the firm applicant, the agency develops an idea and communicates it more times within time of the program of incentive, it manages the trip and it analyzes the results.
To end we give to analyze the fair tourism. Also it belongs to the tourism of business, in fact, the fair demonstrations, the specialized saloons, and the exposures make to move every year numerous people. Also in this branch of the tourism of business, the visitor or the exhibitor, that in the place of the demonstration is brought for professional motives, before or later needs, that are of tourist nature will satisfy, contributing so to the local economy.
This type of demonstrations has the ability to widen the market, since they facilitate the meeting between the question and the offer to a least cost and besides it contributes to the improvement and the development of the economic systems, favoring the concorrentiality of the markets, the cooperation between the operators and a support suitable to the local productions.
The principal function remains that of intermediation, in fact, through the knowledge and the comparison of the good and services, an increase of the productions and the distribution of such good determines him on the market.
For the exhibitors and for the visitors, the fair demonstrations are a good tool of marketing.
Through these demonstrations the visitors have the possibility to take contacts and sometimes to directly conclude the bargains, with some qualified sellers, inside a complete representation of the offer.
The exhibitors have the possibility to meet a qualified demand to a contained cost in comparison to other forms of communication
The potential clients result particularly motivated, since to own expenses I am already him partly documented and informed on the suppliers to which to address; besides the prestige of the demonstration to which he participates reflects also him on the exhibiting firm
The informative function concerns particularly the production.
The fair demonstrations represent the question and the offer of a particular sector, underlining therefore the tendency of the market, and furnishing important information to the producers on the competition and to the visitors the opportunity to know the offer in its totality.
But it is really from the meeting among the question and the offer that the producers succeed in understanding if a determined product has succeeded in satisfying the needs and the dimensions of the question.
This last aspect needs however the support of a good organization; the organizers owe therefore to invite to the demonstration people that really represent the question not to give a distorted image of the market.
In conclusion it can be affirmed that the enterprises that mostly take advantage of the share to these demonstrations are:
those that he is introducing in a specific sector or I is developing,
those that are characterized by a varying question since the sector in which you/they operate is always subject to changes (for instance the sector attire),
those that are always subject to innovations (electronic sector),
the enterprises that produce durable good and that therefore they always have to reach new potential clients.
The above-mentioned enterprises are therefore all firms that produce good services, and are generally of small or averages dimensions, that always need an elevated number of information to remain on the market.
  Congressual Tourism
Tourism has we already said, represents for our country a source of revenue, and it's destined to become one of the most important voices of our budget.
Among the various forms of tourism, the congressual sector is what mostly can produce wealth and to give prestige being that sought after.
With the increase of the possibilities of communication to international level and of the data flow and news, the desire of the direct contact is increased among the various individuals; in this sense the congresses have conquered an irreplaceable role, what mean of communication and point of meeting, directed to inform, to transfer the results of searches, to professionally form the operators, to launch new products, etc.
All these motivations easily determine a move of people from the place of usual residence and job toward accessible place and endowed with a very qualified receptiveness and sufficiently capacious.
The participant doesn't stir only for participating in the reunions, but he more tightly follows also tourist affairs, in fact he is tries to visit the place center of the congress, to complete excursions in the neighboring zones.
The choice of the place where to put such meetings becomes therefore of fundamental importance, and it behaves the necessity to place side by side to the central nucleus represented by the congressual center a whole other activities of cultural enrichment and relaxation.
The congress, having seen how it produced tourists, we can define it as a composite product, since it's given by the combination of a series of elements and it interests manifold economic sectors of the city where the congress happens, drawing notable advantages to every level.
In fact in the last years the congressual centers are multiplied is in the great ones that in the small centers, this because the congressual tourist is an excellent source of revenue since it spends at least the double one of a middle tourist, and besides the carrying out of the various demonstrations in dead periods allows to have business throughout the whole year for the local tourist life.
The first congresses them we can make to go up again to the XIV century, and they were organized for the more for religious motives, even if the first political congress was organized in 1435 to d Arras to put an end to the war of the One hundred Years. Very more neighbors to us are the congresses of category and those scientific that began to periodically be developed.
Only toward mid of last century congresses were turned by occasional phenomenona into recurrent and periodic events and they almost exclusively happened on private initiative.
With the end of the second world war a congressual boom has taken place and this can tightly consider tied up to the economic boom, also because as we have already said the congress it is a good way for the one who participates to show his own prestige and his own image.
Many societies therefore they began to sponsorize congresses, and in the usual period they were born some cooperatives, formed by hotelkeeper, agencies of trip and society of services to organize this type of demonstrations. From these cooperations to the birth of the first tours operator and agencies of trip specialized in congressual organizations little time is also given because the formula is developed “more and more congress + relaxation.”
We now pass to an analysis of the question and the congressual offer.
  The congressual demand
The congressual question is to intend him as the whole all that operating that for inherent motives to his own activity, they decide to promote meetings and events of all those people who participate you.
The promoter of the congress covers a fundamental role, since besides conditioning the confinements and the dynamics of the congressual market, he is who organizes then the final question.
The congressual question we can bring back it to some sectors of the economic activity: private firms, associations of category, private and public associations, scientific associations, religious and social organizations, political parties, health, etc; which select in particular way their use to get a specific and competent question in subject. The selected ones represent therefore the final question, in other words the real fruitoris of the congressual product.
Principal sectors of activity of the promoters of activity Congressuali
Department n° participants Lasted days n° eventi/anno
Manufacturing (electronic, chemical-pharmaceutical, auto, to feed etc.) from 1.500 to 2.500 2 10
Physician-pharmaceutical-scientific from 3.000 to 7.000 3-5 5-10
Fashion 1.000-1.500 1 4
Economic and professional Organizations,
meetings of society
from 800 to 4.500 1 10-20
Department of the education, University and search from 1.000 to 3.000 2 10-20
Department of the public administration
(I competed government, regional)
from 1.000 to 5.000 1 8
Political parties 1.000-4.000 1-2 1-4
Syndical organisms 3.000 1-2 2
Religious Organizations from 2.000 to 4.000 2 2
International Organizations 2.000 3-4 2
Shows and events in general 3.000-5.000 1 10-15
The participants to this type of events, generally have all the same characteristics, as it regards the social class, level of income and expense, that is all that elements that are at the base of the segmentation of the market.
With reference to the characteristics of the question of congressual tourism in terms of income and cultural formation we can divide the participants in three categories:
Target Á: primarily composed by professionals, executives, entrepreneurs, with an inclusive age between the 45 and the 55 years, graduates with a position of prestige in working circle, and with a very elevated daily middle expense. and they are detained in average one or two days. They are around the 22% of the participants.
Target B: It represents around 43% of the participants. In this category we can let that young people that are to the beginning of their career reenter, but that they already cover positions of prestige, they have a level of daily expense that is appraised in average around the 800.000 liras, they choose hotels to 3 or 4 stars and they are moved in train or with their auto, and they are stopped in average 2 or 3 days.
Target C: contains around the 43% of the total one and it's constituted by people with culture and social position in the average, they stir in auto, they choose to lodge in the hotels to 3 stars and they have been stopped in average since 3 a 5 days. Their ability of expense is appraised in 480 liras. 000 daily
In base to the sector of affiliation (public, private, scientific), the choice of the place and the in demand services for the organization of the congress changes. In the private sector they are used in prevalence hotel chains; while in the sector of the private associations they are preferred the tourist places, to stimulate the people to participate.
The scientific associations prefer the rooms of the great hotels or the use of salt instead in the centers congresses. Finally the sector public curtains to organize his own events in salt of cultural historical interest or in the centers for the most identifiable with his own corporate body.
Not could list all the services or equipments that the question can require, it is interesting however to pause on those that can be held some services accessories, that are usually offered by external organizations, to which the decison maker
it turns him during the organization of the event. Mark Some of these can be held of fundamental importance as the audiovisual systems, the systems for the videoconferences, the system of signs, reception office, hostess's sevizi, catering, recording, reproduction texts, recordings, translators, etc.
An important role, for the result of the congress, some place is played, that is usually select from the promoting corporate body.
The congressual tourism in this case assumes a strategic role, in fact according to where the event will be held, this last will have some different characteristics. For instance if the congress will be held in the sea place or climb on of it it he will go to integrate with the tourist activity covering so the periods of low season; while if the choice will fall on urban areas, city of art, will go to integrate themselves with the tourism of business, and particularly with fair and cultural demonstrations.
Another element to be considered during the choice of the place concerns the geographical position and the efficiency of the connections with the other places, together with the present services, and above all the cultural patrimony of the place.
  The Congressual Supply
The congressual offer is constituted by all those firms that in by principal or accessorias are in demand from who organizes the event, therefore we can find hotel centers, congressual centers and buildings business, that constitute the centers in which materially the congress develops him; undertaken of ristorazione, undertaken that they offer services hostess, suppliers of linguistic services, society of preparation, etc.
The congressual and hotel centers are classified in base to their ability, that is in base to the number of participants that it can contain; and to the offered services (criterions qualitative). Another non negligible element for the qualification and the development of the center is the geographical position, in fact also possessing its same characteristics some centers have had greater development in comparison to others really because the zone where they were situated they offered greater tourist attractions or they were easier access in comparison to others.
The resource congressual center is the fundamental element of the congressual offer, and to adequately answer to the demands of the question needs some elements, what:
space for the session plenaria
space for the sessions of commissione
zone espositiva
equipments technical structure of ristorazione
In our country the most greater part of the congressual centers I am of small or averages dimensions, generally in few rooms, and incapable to contemporarily entertain more demonstrations.
To international level in fact gigantic spaces exist destined to this sector, as in the case in Berlin.
According to a classification UAI (International Union of the Associations) of 1996, with congresses reference than at least 300 participants, Italy places to the 5° place in the world classification regarding the countries with centers of international reunions, with a quota of the 4% of the total one: Rome is found to the fifteenth place, follows then from Florence, Trieste, Venice, while Milan is found only in fortieth posizione
In the last years the congressual tourism he is developing notably, this because the habits and the style of life are changed, and since the congressual one is easily compatible with the other forms of tourism.
The resources that are involved in the tourist system concern:
the congressual structure and the receptive system, that represent the central system and they have to answer to of the precise demands, as: space, dimension, quality of the service, etc.
the structures that as element of marketing, represents the attended product: what firms of ristorazione, catering, agencies of interpretariato, hostess, agencies of spettacolo,   it undertook of preparation, undertaken of oggettistica and gadgets,ecc.
structures of connection, that is those enterprises that allow the access the place, therefore trains, aerei,pullman,e those that manage viabilità, parking lot and external moves
the firms that allow the fruibilità of the cultural patrimony of the zone.
The first contact between a structure and the possible client happens during the period of promotion of the same center. It can directly happen, when the center stirs inside associations as Italcongressi or Palacongressi; or participating to international demonstrations and of sector, what EIBTM (The European Incentives & Business Travel & Meetings) of Geneva, BTC (Exchange International Congressual Tourism and Incentives) of Florence, or finally through mail telematics.
The good way of direct promotion, the Direct Mailing remains, that consists in to send brochure or brochures of the structure to the possible clients.
This type of promotion allows the fidelizzazione of the clientele, since this last has always put to the current one of what it happens in the centers; however it has the disadvantage to be of difficulty management since the firms and their personnel are often in transformation and therefore it needs a continuous renewal of the bank you date.
The indirect promotion happens through the “passaparola” of the clients themselves, that exchange positive or negative opinions on the base of their experiences. The passaparola remains therefore the good advertising mean for the firm, in fact around the 60% of the new clients they come in contact with the centers congresses really on this base.
The centers congresses besides the structure can offer a “packet services”, that can understand the equipment of base (blackboard bright, systems audio-video, TV, etc), breakfast and/or coffee break, etc.
These packets are offered above all by the small centers, and for the small conferences, and they are easily modifiable in base to the applications of the client.
All these enterprises of which we have spoken, are all to “High density of Personalità”o “Personality intensity”, this means that the quality and the success of the made service are the result of as the people they operate. Besides the professionalism, to the people that work in this sector, a good ability is in demand to communicate, but above all the ability to know how to gather the “tones.”
  Congressual Tourism in Florence.
Florence is situated in the center of Tuscany, and thanks to its artistic patrimony it is set on the market as one of the most beautiful cities of art. Thanks also to its economic development, Florence has succeeded in making to interact the various economic categories with the various tourist typologies. The central area further to entertain the various works of art, (if Italy entertains the 40% of the world historical patrimony, 26% are present in the city of Florence), toward the seventies, you/he/she has strengthened its function of “city”, entertaining offices, banks, directional centers of industrial firms, and finally the Building of the Congresses (in the garden of villa Victoria, near the central station), and the Center Affari, as well as the Fortitude from Lower part, center of the most important demonstrations of the Tuscan chief town.
Also the tourist of business, that goes him to Florence for different motives from the recreation, is spellbound from the wealth artistica  and from the beauty of the city assuming so tourist attitudes purely. The city also offers besides great shows and demonstrations as the historical kick in June, The Florentine musical May or the summer Fiesolana, with concerts, work, theater, etc.
Thanks to the interaction of these forms of tourism (proper tourism and tourism of business), the congressual organizers are attracted from this city to organize its own events.
In an investigation introduced by the Convention Bureau in Florence, and commissioned to the IRPET (regional Institute for the economic planning of the Tuscan) on the theme “Congresses in Florence, not only Tourism” you/he/she has emerged that the congressual Tourism develops an important function of equilibrium in the periods of low season (novembre/dicembre), and besides the expense produced by the congressual sector to Florence amounts to 135 annual million, against the 50 after all of the Tuscan.
Economic  L'importanza of this sector, can measure her/it in terms of occupation, since in the last years you/he/she has given job to well 2000 people and he esteems that you/they can grow more and more seen the waste of energies and professional organizations.
We can affirm then that the contribution of this segment to the Florentine economy is considerable, as you/he/she has also emerged from a 1982 IRPET investigation, where you/he/she can be noticed that the tourism of business represents him 11,1% of the tourist movement. The results of the indagine  are the followings:
Resulted by an investigation on the tourism in Tuscan
  Italian Foreigners Total
Vacations, sport 34,9 49,4 44,5
Seen to relatives and friends 7,8 3,1 4,7
Cultural reasons 19,4 27.5 24,7
Congresses, Business 15,5 9,2 11,4
Trip of studies 4,9 8,2 7,0
others 17,5 2,6 7,7
TOTAL 100 100 100
Source: P. Baglioni "The tourism in the cities of art and business: principals resulted by a micro investigation in Tuscany in 1982. IRPET, Florence 1993.
From the chart it emerges that in the tourism of Italian component affari,la (15,5%) it is clearly superior of that foreigner (9,2%). In the 1993 publication “The tourism in Florence. A model for the cities of art” edited by the society Mercury, has been done an analysis analogous to that preceding, and from an accurate study on the tourist movements in the city you/he/she is noticed that while the Italian tourists almost exclusively bring him in the Florentine chief town for motives for business, the most greater part of the foreign tourists they choose above all this place for the art. motivation of stay for italians   motivation of stay for foreignersBusiness constitutes therefore the most frequent motivation of the stays of Italians to Florence (55%), while for foreigners the situation is reversed, in fact around 87% of them it brings him in the Tuscan chief town for tied up motives to the art, while only 10% you it brings him for motives for business.
From the picked data in an investigation it turns in the airport fiorentino
the characteristics of the congressual tourist and business are underlined “type”: Mark inclusive age between the thirty and the fifty years; it effects different trips during the year; he/she works within the services or industrial; you/he/she is employed, executive or free professional. It travels alone usually and it uses taxi for its inside moves or half envoys to disposition from friends or from the congressual organization. As it regards the pernottamento it chooses only hotels of good quality, introduces an elevated expense, and middly it stops him in the city 2/3 days.
We now pass to a brief analysis of the “congressual citadel”
The “congressual citadel” it is situated in the city center to few meters from the station of Saint Maria Novella, and it is composed of three structures what: Building of the congresses, Fortitude from Lower part and Center Affari; that they offer over 50.000 square meters space covered usable and the possibility to entertain demonstrations with 1.500 participants.
  The Building of the Congresses has center to Villa Victoria, an eight hundred splendid building, that has belonged to the autonomous firm of Tourism since 1964, and in 1993, thanks to important restaurations to the façades, to the Room Auditorium and to the other rooms, you/he/she has become a modern and efficient complex. The Building of the Congresses has an ability of 1.900 posti,suddivisis in Auditorium, salt, salette and an amphitheater to the outside to satisfy every type of application.
The Fortezza da Basso is situated in the proximities of the historical center, and after having been military zone up to the sixties, you/he/she has become one of the greatest centers espositivi and congressual of the region, even if it is not able to compete with the greatest international centers yet. You extends on a surface of 44.000 meters you square I contained inside a historical structure of great prestige.
The central nucleus of the Fortitude is composed from the Tent Spadolini, recently restored, and from the Tent Cavaniglia that in 1996 you/he/she has entertained the Vertex of the heads of state of the European union and the Lecture of peace on Bosnia.
The third structure that composes the congressual citadel is the Palazzo degli Affari.
Planned by the architect Pierluigi Spadolini, the building contains functionality, facility of access and a pleasant surrounding environment.
The Building covers a surface of 4.000 meters you square, with 11 congressual rooms from 50 to 500 places and 100 environments for meeting from 15 to 50 places, and it is able to entertain demonstrations espositive, conferences, reunions, etc.
From 1999 the Fortitude from Lower part, the Center Affari, and the Building of the Congresses they are managed by a new society the F
Among the projects in Florence Expo there is the creation of a physical unification of the three structures, with the burial of a part of the Avenue you Strangle, to realize a continuity among the areas, the creation of new parking lot and the construction of new areas espositive. Conclusion – BTC in Florence
The development of the tourism in Italy has been favorite from the diversification of the tourist products, and the congressional one results to be one of the principal sectors.
Today he is able in fact to speak of an industry of the congressional one, since behind the organization of "events" they are combined and factors of strong organizational imprint are integrated.
The international BTC-purse of the congressional tourism and incentives it is the best showcase for all the firms that operate in this sector.
The city of Florence is lent to welcome a demonstration of this kind, since it results to be one of the sought after destinations to organize congresses and demonstrations of every kind, since it possesses the proper structures and all those necessary characteristics to turn an appointment of job into an unique occasion.
The BTC was born above all with this finality to also promote the Tuscan chief town in the congressional sector. The first edition (1985), it was only to national character, while today the demonstration is the first one in Italy and the third one in the world, as it regards this sector.
BTC in fact, he/she offers the most complete offer and the most qualified buyers, as it regards the congressional sector and incentives, and thanks to
a considerable number more and more of foreign presences (among visitors, buyers and exhibitors) you/he/she has gotten in 2000 the qualification of "International Show."
XII edizione della Borsa del Turismo Congressuale , in http:.//
Antonioli M. , Gallo G. : Indagine su natura, risorse, funzioni dei centri congressi in un confronto europeo. , in "Quality travel" n.6 1998.
At the Florence Exchange the world of convention and incentives tourism ends the year with a flourish, in "Xenios- Tourism  Businness Travel", Novembre 2000.
Baglioni p.(a cura di): Il Turismo nelle città d'arte e d'affari: principali risultati da una microindagine in Toscana nel 1982, Firenze, IRPET, 1993.
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Published: Sun, Oct 21 2012 @ 4:02:37
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