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HTML5DevConf videos

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First round of HTML5Devconf Oct 2014 Videos are up. Enjoy!

HTML5 Developer Conference took place during October 2014 at Moscone Center in San Francisco. There were many amazing session and finally video is available for those of you who did not have a chance to attend. Enjoy!

A wonderful talk from Jafar Husain, member of the TC39 Standards Committee on what's coming next for JavaScript, including a bonus alternater version (thanks Jafar!):
Jafar Husain of Netflix "The Evolution of JavaScript"
Jafar Husain of Netflix "The Evolution of JavaScript" Alternate Version
Paul Krill's  from Inforworld also interviewed Jafar at HTML5devconf:

Matt Debergalis, Cofounder of Meteor,  gives a wildly appreciated talk on Meteor's new Platform:
Matt Debergalis of Meteor "The New Meteor platform: web and native mobile from a single reactive JavaScript codebase"

Bill Fisher of Facebook got great feedback on his React and Flux talk, here for everyone's technical benefit
Bill Fisher of Facebook "React and Flux"

Time to build a nodebot and with Stewart Christie of Intel - We hope some of you got to build a "Beer-Bot" later that evening (Crossover talk for both Iotaconf and HTML5devconf)
Stewart Christie of Intel "Building a Nodebot with Javascript and the Intel XDK "

Antoinio Silveira, VP of Engineering Go Daddy shares a major and successful stack revamp
Antonio Silveira of Go Daddy "Continuous Delivery in NodeJS Projects, from Dev to Prod in 5min"

Opinions on what's coming for Node.js from Bert Belder, a core team contributer on Node.
Bert Belder of StrongLoop "The Future of Node.JS"

Ken Struys, Tech lead at Yelp shares how to improve testing and design
Ken Struys of Yelp "Scaling Selenium Testing at Yelp"

Mike Mikowski's talk is as usual for those who enjoy a little controversy:
Mike Mikowski of Qualaroo "Dump SASS and Less CSS for JS powered CSS"

An experimental standard from Google X team for Beacons and other hardware that uses urls, not the app store
Matthew Sibigtroth of Google "The Physical Web"

You might also want to check out the slides from the previous edition.

#conference, #html5, #videos
Published: Wed, Dec 10 2014 @ 12:20:32
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